Tuesday, March 27, 2007

amusing moments

have you ever had those moments or opportunities to just stop and check out the amusement in a situation. Now i remember one of those discussions times on campus when we thought it was inevitable to discuss and by all means found people to discuss something with. So now ofcourse the group contains all these different people and i took time to analyse everyone. There is the ambitious serious one who will always bring you back to the subject when the members get excited and drift off, then there is the one who always finds a reason to crack a joke in the middle of the discussion, then there is the one who will not know the subject at all, actually may not even know the reason why the group is meeting, then the day dreamer who will always drift off no matter the topic probably because their thought are in agreement with the one who doesnt get the point of the discussion and the one who always appears early for discussions but says nothing through the whole discussion maybe the whole point was so he would not miss the points others are going to give. There is the one who always leads the discussion maybe because they are more outspoken and outgoing in the discussion, then there are the ones who will always be in between all thees categories depending on the topic thees ones are seasonal and are the best because with them you are assured that there will always be someone in the mood for the discussion. There is the one who never appears for discussions but then that keeps me wondering how they became part of the group in the first place. Finally there is the one who sits there and just studies and analyses them all. you know what the group would never be interesting without all these guys.

1 comment:

  1. and you were studying the discussion group member who studies the other members in the group?!


About Me

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enjoying the good times in life and totally ignoring the stress factors...okay trying to ignore them. I am proud to be a black woman and the fact that i mentioned the colour does not mean am racist but just means i recognise who i am. I love God, my boo, my family, my friends and many other little things that are connected to living with these categories of people. That doesn't mean i do not like making friends. I do and i love writing thus blogging.